
So court on Tues consisted of Medicaid has to pay me $8k for repairs and cleaning, the old hag needs to give me $800 a month rent/utilities and Medicaid said they would provide 24/7 care. The $8k check came today.

There has not been one day of 24/7 care. Workers come 8 to 12 and 4:30 to 8. POS son comes 12 to 5, you know to put on an act and bringing the little brats. All day, in and out, leaving doors open in 16 degree weather. At night no help so her screaming and hallucinating. I have called APS several times per the judges order, no help, call APS.

POS was supposed to take her but psycho sis did this:

"ME: I guess not, according to POS and your mom, you suggested not to change her surroundings. Thanks.

HER: Yes I said it wouldn’t be a good idea if she is hallucinating that bad she should stay in her known surroundings...let me call you later on tonight

ME: If she is hallucinating that bad, they need to dump her at an Emergency Room. M can't work all day, come home and do wound care, etc while S comes 12 to 5. They were going to take her this weekend but its Valentines Day, must be date night so whatever.

If anything happens to M since he looks and feels like sh*t, its on her, S, YOU and Medicaid. F* YOU ALL.

She tried giving Melissa, the worker money the other night because she thought she was you."

She just called, woohoo. I am furious.

What can I do?

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I don't understand why this person you are caring for hasn't been placed in a facility already. You obviously are way over your head if you actually have the nerve to call this person "the old hag" on this forum. I find that wording quite appalling, and despicable. There's no way if that's the way you feel about her, that you can be providing the proper care this woman needs and deserves. Please have the decency to have her placed in a facility where she will have people give her the 24/7 care she needs and deserves.
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The person has not been placed in a facility because in MI Medicaid does 24/7 care and our govenor has rules.

No, I should not have this person in my home. "Old hag" is quite polite compared to the antichrist, selfish b!tch and a c*nt which I have used before several times.

I do have decency which is being very vocal on the point she is not my responsibility.

Thank you for the criticism though 👍. Not everyone is a caregiver.

Oh, and the 4:30 to 8 person has not arrived and the people who care bailed so if she falls and breaks her neck, it is not my problem.
Helpful Answer (1)
funkygrandma59 Feb 2021
If she is not your responsibility, why is she in your home, especially when you say you're not a caregiver? I can't help but feel sorry for this woman, who certainly doesn't deserve your hateful attitude. You apparently need a lot more help than just from Medicaid.
Don't tell me... you majored in communication at Harvard!! This is not an all male forum, by the way. Your post and follow up are despicable.
Helpful Answer (4)

No, I have a doctorate in Accounting and by no means does that make me politically correct or a man.

Seriously wtf, how dare you two try to judge when you have NO IDEA what I have went through.

I asked a question Medicaid 24/7 thats it. I do not need judgements.

Let's see, I was purposely shit on, literally, not figuratively, arrested, abused as in choked and a concussion, etc due to the lies. Then when Covid hit, had her dropped at my home by POA. So maybe you are a better person than I am and can feel the love but I am not, I am done with the crazy b!tch.
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Every senior being cared for are not sweet little old ladies. Some of them might qualify as old hags. And many siblings do not show up to help.
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Thanks Bridger. But to the other two judgemental people.

Do you know what it is like to want to die everyday. You know, pills, you foam at the mouth and thats gross. Anything else, there is blood and that is gross too. So you live to deal and you cry, cry alot. Then you throw up, everyday, knowing the same thing will happen tomorrow.

So screw u and the judgements because you fo not understand.

Oh, I should add, I would never do it cause I am a wuss but its there.
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SnoopyLove Feb 2021
Stacy, I’m so sorry. I don’t quite follow the nightmarish situation you’ve become trapped in but it sounds like it would absolutely be enough to make a saint swear, as the saying goes.

So what are the options? Can you move out? Any legal advice you could get? Of course, above all you can’t take it out on yourself!

Again, you have my sympathy. Hang in there!
It is my house, so I will not move out. Well, I could just bail, leave, no return address. But, it is my house, i left her house because i needed to go forward but last year POS son dropped her off here, so Whitmer and complications.
Helpful Answer (1)
cxmoody Feb 2021
I am so sorry for all of this!

I came in late to your story. So, please excuse my questions.

Is this lady a relative? Is her son a relative?
By saying that he dropped her off, why did she get to stay? Does her son own half the house?

Are you desperate enough to sell? In that case, would Michigan consent to a NH?

Best wishes to you,
Oh, and when I posted, trying to be nice, I was in the ER. I can barely see outta my right eye due to a busted zygomatic (sp) bone, broken ribs and being mentally screwed up. Being hit by the way because of dememtia lies is not a top 10 fun adventure.

So thanks for the support.
Helpful Answer (1)
SnoopyLove Feb 2021
OMG, how horrible! Did someone attack you and was it the person ensconced in your house? I hope a police report was filed if someone hurt you, even if that person has dementia.

Sorry if I’m way off course with what’s going on with you. Your situation sounds as unusual as it is awful and I’m sure you get tired of explaining it.

Hope you start feeling much better soon!
Oh, Stacy! I’m so sorry!

Please take care of yourself, and let us know how you are when you can.

I imagine that things will have to change for your safety’s sake.

Best wishes to you!
Helpful Answer (3)

So, last night, I called my mom who took me to the hospital. I hurt today, you know they say frozen peas help but they do not.

It all started because upstairs on the side she is not on there is a greenhouse area and a pantry. I went to get olive oil fir dinner and add water and plant food because my phone went off that it was needed. Psycho went nuts and I am mouthy so, that is what it is. I do not go near her, I went to my side and he came up with his chest puffed out and just started sh!t. Maybe, I shouldnt have told him that he was a POS, to get out of my face and that maybe he was on the autism spectrum because you know he is very, very smart and marketable and the rest of us are beneath him and he lacks common sense like if mommy dearest has not been around, she might need groceries, duh! Moron.

So on Tues when she was dropped off, the worker who are not supposed to contact me did. M was working so I called S...did not answer, called B sis in Germany. She called S about the s***show. Then yesterday, when he left, set up cameras in my home, I blew. Hours later he came back, ugh.

So anyhow, as I stated to sis, he is a whiny b!tch. He messaged M when I callled due to the worker and yesterday, it was when will you be back, stacy is up her and I hit her because she told me to F off. She is rude.

So, now, M is at work. It is 12:37 est and S is not here. Since I guess, I cannot state my thoughts, Dirty Gerdy is above me into s***. If I am lucky, she will fall and break her neck.

Medicaid said to the judge 24/7 care and they do not follow through.
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Well, they just got here an hour and 15 min late. It is 7 degrees, is it too much to ask that you shut the f*cking door?

I am not in the mood for this battle.

Suffocated is how I feel. I am laying in bed. Cant use the exercise bike, it is upstairs, cant go for a walk, those brats. Last time anyone said anything to them about behaving, it was M&S dad...he was picked up by the throat and thrown head first into a wall by S.

I am not good confined and thats how I feel.
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Stacy i have not followed everything obviously - but why is this old hag and any kids in YOUR!!!! house? Who ever put you in ER needs to be prosecuted - call the police. How can you get these people out of your house? Do it - even if they are on the street starving.
Helpful Answer (2)

Stacy, could you do us a favor. We seem to have two Stacy's. Please fill out ur Profile. Something about the person ur caring for and an overview about how ur involved. Helps when there is a lot of different posts. TU😊
Helpful Answer (2)

What state are you in that Medicaid provides 24/7 in home care? Although promises appears to be a better word than provides.

I am kind of amazed that Medicaid would pay $8,000 in damages. And that any government bureaucracy managed to get the check to you in less than a week.

If the judge said to call Adult Protective Services if the caregivers don't show up, then call them. Keep a log of calls and any follow up.

Did the judge say anything about limiting your ability to call emergency services? Screaming and hallucinating could be a medical emergency.

See if you can get some automatic closures for the doors.
Helpful Answer (1)

I am in Michigan. Medicaid is run through an Area on Aging or a third party vendor. The company in my house is the third party vendor and they cut the check. How they get reimbursed is not my problem. They created this mess.

So the hallucinations were always there but she knew she was seeing things, for instance she knew her mom was dead when she saw her. Now, she doesnt understand. It is not just visual, she hears and smells things. The volunteer FD has been to the house 6 times since Tuesday because she smelled a fire that was not there.

The person has had Parkinsons for longer than I have known her and that is 26 years. She has not been to a neurologist since late 2015 and her PCP has not seen her in a year....using Covid as an excuse to only do phone visits for narcotics. Meds have not been adjusted since 2015. So, when the dr talked to the psych ward she just left, he put her on some Parkinson psychosis med called Nuplazid. Its about $4k for 30 pills, Medicaid pays for it. It has side effects like crazy and you need to go to specialty pharmacists to get it. Due to the open wounds and heart issues, the pharmacist on the phone seemed suprised that a PCP would prescribe it, not a neurologist and was concerned with interactions.

During the hearing, she talked nonsense about the boy with puss in his eyes, the girls with blood coming out of her mouth, the family who tortures her and her imaginary cats. The judge said several times to the case manager are you sure you will provide her with 24/7 care. His hands were tied, services in place. Problem is they did not have aides in place or a nurse. The judge said call APS if there were no shows and we would be in contempt if we did care. There hasnt been anyone to change the open leg wounds since Wednesday. It stinks, bad. I can smell it downstairs when I walk outside. Its so gross.

I emailed the lawyer but have not heard back.

Oh, and its 8:13, worker left and she has no help. So just called APS again.
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I don't understand any of this. Who is this person living in your house?
Helpful Answer (2)

Stacy, I have had a problem being able to look at your previous posts. Could you please give us an overview of who this person is and why you get stuck with her. I know I have read ur other posts but just need a refresher. And who is M?

If the smell is that bad call am ambulance. Once in the hospital, refuse to take her back saying that Medicaid is not providing the care she needs and you can't/will not do it. You don't want this woman dying on your watch. Tell the hospital to contact the Judge. This maybe your way out.
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